Most Popular Questions
We help you see the world differently, discover opportunities you may never have imagined and achieve results that bridge what is with that can be.
To make an investment you must first become a member of
GTX Ultimate.
Once you are signed up, you can make your first deposit. All deposits must be made
through the Members Area. You can login using the registered email and password.
We have made efforts to make investing very easy and convenient by
accepting a wide range of digital assets like Tether (USDT), USDC, Bitcoin (BTC),
Etherium (ETH), Litecoin(LTC), in a bid to foster borderless and limitless transactions
Login to your account using your email and password and click the
Withdraw button to initiate a withdrawal.
Withdrawals are only made on Saturdays.
Your account will be updated within 12 hours of initiating the
deposit and completing the payment before the 1 hour deposit countdown time is elapsed.
The minimum withdrawal amount is $20
Log into your GTX Ultimate account and click on the
options button to access your profile details. You can change your e-mail address and
password there.
Click forgot password in the sign in area, type your e-mail and
you'll receive your recovery link to your email.
No, profits are gathered on your GTX Ultimate account
and you can withdraw them at the end of your investment cycle.
Depending on each plan, interests on your Assets Global account are
acquired daily to your available balance at the end of every 24 hours till the end of
your investment cycle.
Yes! To make a deposit from your GTX Ultimate account
balance. Simply login into your dashboard and click on New Deposit, select investment
plan and select Account Balance as the payment source, then click make deposit.
Yes, you can but all transactions are handled separately.
Funds are usually available within 12 business hours.
You can change your password directly from your members area by
editing it in your personal profile.
Nevertheless there has been no record of money loss recorded in the
company till date.
You can access the account information 24 hours, seven days a week
over the Internet.
The company permits for one account to each member. Any additional
accounts is strictly a violation, and can lead to freezing of account.
These funds are managed by a team of GTX Ultimate
investment experts.
No there are no limits for investment amounts for both institutional
and retail investor.
We take all security measures to protect your account and keep it
safe from third parties intrusion.
Yes, you will be able to access all our Partner Program opportunities
regardless of the fact that you have not invested in our company.